down 3 more pounds!!! 19 total!


1- its FRIDAY

since around March, when i RE-started but wasn’t really serious….and 10 lbs since April 12th, when i started going hard again.

i am EFFFFING THRILLED with this! Its just validation that what i’ve been doing IS WORKING, and i don’t have to question it all the time. i’m DEF. finally happy with this progress. If i can continue to lose at this rate, i’ll be at my 1st goal ON SCHEDULE, AS planned, by AUGUST, when my first vacation is!!! yay!!!! and then hopefully somewhere closer to my UGW by December, when our second trip is.

I need to remember how to HOLD ONTO this feeling, and STAY focused, and keep this motivation. What usually happens with me is, i’ll lose- and then i’ll hit a plateau, and then get discouraged because i don’t see numbers changing for a while, and then start eating like crap again, or getting lax in counting calories, and measuring and weighing food out. And then slowly, the scale will creep back up, and i’ll keep telling myself i’m gonna go hard again, but then i don’t, and make a billion excuses.

NOT THIS TIME!! I have determination i have NEVER had before, and motivation, and i WILL STICK with it this time. I don’t EVER want to have to START OVER again. I want to ride this wave, and i want to remember how good i feel, and i don’t want to give up.

I’m sore every day, and i’m eating really clean,and i feel FANTASTIC. i want to see how far i can take this by the time my trip rolls around. I am so excited to MAYBE take a bunch of pictures, and not CONSTANTLY BE WORRIED about angling myself so that my arms don’t look fat, or i don’t have double chins. I just want to feel free, and i think i’m on the right path.


12 Comments on “down 3 more pounds!!! 19 total!”

  1. Way to go. I need your determination!

    • Hahahah- I swear, I have about 15 mood swings a day about staying motivated- but losses like this DEF help!!!

    • UGH- sometimes IIIIII need some of my determination, from my good days hahaha. For example, i should work out today, but its POURING RAIN, and there is NO convenient gym class close enough to get to, and i’m torturing myself going back and forth imagining trekking it out in the rain/staying on this couch all day.

  2. Char Lesie says:

    Oh I know that plateau place, hate it. And its even harder to break through that point, in my opinion, I’m kinda stuck there myself.
    But Keep it up, you’re doing great!
    Good Job!

  3. Victoria says:

    Nice job! Love it when it all comes together!!

    • Thank you!! I am DEF happy. Long way to go, but at least I know that what I’m doing is what works for me, the worst is feeling like you’re busting your ass and getting no where, and not knowing why!!!

  4. dbeeming says:

    Wtg, I know exactly what you mean about needing those numbers to move to keep the motivation going, it’s so fricken hard sometimes. But you’ve got the right attitude, keep it up! And even if you slip here and there, don’t let it be an excuse, just say “whateverrrrrrrrr” headshake with an eye roll, and carry back on with the healthy stuff.

    Love your blog and recipes!

    • OMGGGGG- totally!!!! (I have the right attitude TODAY, hahaha check back with me on a miserable day lol) thank you for reading- nice to know there’s people out there, and I’m not talking to myself- hah!!

  5. Christina says:

    Woohoo great job!!

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